Stichting Simba

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New Surgical Operation Facility in Sengerema

We are very happy to announce that the Dutch Pharus Foundation from Amersfoort has pledged sufficient funds to replace the current operating rooms with a completely new building with four new operating rooms.

Simba Health wants to improve specialist care for the entire region with Sengerema Hospital. And the facilities must also be adequate for this. The current operating building is old and worn down, it stand in the way of the effectiveness of specialist care and training. It ultimately even costs human lives.

The official permits have now been received on the Tanzanian side and a start has been made on preparing the site for construction. The existing meeting and training rooms, in an old building that had to make way, will be given a new place on the floor above the new OR complex. An experienced local contractor has been commissioned to complete the building shell within a year and has already set to work energetically.

We are now looking for suitable inventory for the furnishing of the operating rooms and training rooms above, which falls outside the construction budget. Fortunately, we already have a number of commitments to this within our supporters. But if you think you can help us with this, in terms of contacts, financially or in kind, please contact us. Help is always welcome!