Activities 2019/2020


Two activity plans that SIMBA has for 2019/2020.

Activity plans 2019/2020.png

1) Shipment of containers with medical equipment. 

Beginning of 2019 we were able to buy medical tools, instruments, equipment’s, operating tables, furniture….from hospitals in Holland that have gone bankrupt and had to put their stock on an auction. 

The plan was to fill and ship one 40 ft container. 

Yet it became a joint project with the foundation ‘Vrienden van Sengerema’ (in short called; “Friends”) and together with them we were able to fill and send two containers to Sengerema.

For years our foundations have been working closely together to support Sengerema Hospital. There is an atmosphere of enthusiasm, honesty, exchange of knowledge and expertise to help each other as foundations in serving Sengerema Hospital. 

A donor has donated the 2 containers and arranged the transportation to Tanzania. “Friends” paid and arranged the transport inside Tanzania and prepared a base foundation for the two containers to stand on. They are working with the local staff on making a roof to coffer the containers with a 5-meter space between them. Both containers have arrived this October.

The plan is to build a guesthouse and store out of these two containers. The house can be used for the housing of specialists that come for outreach and teaching. The store can be used for very sensitive specialist medical equipment.   

2) New ER department, upgrading of radiology and theatre room.

The board of SIMBA and Sengerema Hospital Management have been working on a proposal to find sponsorship to build a new ER department. 

“Injury kills more people every year than HIV, TB and malaria combined, and the overwhelming majority of these deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries” (WHO). 

This is the challenge the project aims to address – to make previously unavailable emergency and acute trauma care available for the most vulnerable population in the catchment area of Sengerema hospital in the Tanzania lake zone in a sustainable manner. 

Deaths within 24 hours after admission in the hospital are currently high, as the reception and assessment of critical patients is substandard. 

The goal of the project is to create a functional space with trained personnel providing emergency care for patients at Sengerema hospital. 

It is expected that the project will contribute to achieve the following results for the population served by Sengerema hospital: 

  • Reduce the number of deaths in the Emergency Department 

  • Improve diagnostics leading to better treatment choices 

  • Improve treatment resulting in less life altering disabilities 

Timon Staal