The work has begun!
Since July 3rd, I have been working as a Specialist in International Health and Tropical Medicine (SIHTM) at Sengerema Designated District Hospital (SDDH) in Tanzania. This time, I'm here for a period of two years, ready to make a difference through Simba Health projects.
My introduction to Sengerema happened through a secondment from Slingeland Hospital, thanks to Erik Staal, in March 2020. In July 2021, I started the final phase of my SIHTM training here. Over a period of 6 months, I learned (basic) Swahili and how to work independently in a resource-limited setting. In January 2022, I bid farewell to new friends and colleagues.
Bedside ultrasound with a Butterfly in the ward.
I didn't know I would have another chance to return. I am proud and grateful to now work as a tropical doctor at Sengerema Hospital. It's a place where despite significant challenges, a lot is already possible. Patients with limited resources and severe pathologies are abundant. With the construction of the new Emergency Department (ED) and operating room complex in progress, the possibilities are growing further. In addition to clinical work at the hospital, including on-call duties, I will focus on developing surgical care. We aim to streamline specialized surgical care, making it more accessible and safer.
Malouk & Erik in the current operating room with OR assistant Lucy.
Furthermore, training and supervision of staff are part of my responsibilities. In the absence of Erik and Jiska, I will also oversee construction and receive and guide teams coming from the Netherlands or elsewhere for assignments.
The street scene in Sengerema.
Amidst everything, I live with my partner Jim van de Ven on the former airstrip; a dirt road behind the hospital. Daily life unfolds here, with many passing people, playing children, and cows with horns up to a meter long. It's a unique Tanzanian experience!
The house to the right of the palm tree as it looked before the renovation.